Simple file upload example using Angularjs

Aug 8, 2019
2 min read
  • #pdf
  • #php
  • #mysql

Hi. In this tutorial we will create an AngularJS web app that will upload the user selected file to server using nodejs. To achieve this we will use the multer node module.


Open Command Prompt and navigate to the downloaded directory simple-file-uploader

Run the following command

node .

Project Structure

The web application code is mainly separated into 2 parts (Client and Server)

public –index.html : The starting point for our application front end (Client) –server.js: File upload and save (Server) code index.html (The starting point for our application front end)


It contains files that will be ignored by git to upload .git node_modules


It contains Required node packages

server.js It uploads and saves files.